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伊拉克籍博士研究生Adil Abbas Kareem为学院捐赠800只医用口罩
更新时间:2020-02-25 11:26:39点击次数:

伊拉克籍博士研究生Adil Abbas Kareem为学院捐赠800只医用口罩

近日,学院收到我院伊拉克籍留学生Adil Abbas Kareem(卡尔巴拉-伊拉克)为学院捐赠的800只医用口罩。在望江校区学院130-1会议室,学院组织了捐赠仪式,党委书记蒋文涛、副书记王晖与Adil Abbas Kareem的代捐人廖瑜亮及其博士生导师杨金燕教授进行了会面,感谢Adil Abbas Kareem对中国疫情抗击的支持,感谢其对学校的热爱与对学院的关心。


(Adil Abbas Kareem在银杏飘黄的川大校园)

据悉,88038威尼斯一直高度重视留学生教育与管理,目前在校留学生达200余人。在留学生教育教学过程中,建环学院采取专人管理与辅导员协助推进相结合的模式,严格把握留学生的学习情况及在校期间生活情况,留学生管理与培养工作日见成效。此次捐赠医用口罩的伊拉克籍留学生Adil Abbas Kareem(卡尔巴拉-伊拉克)是学院环境系2017级博士研究生,其指导老师为环境系杨金燕教授,受学校“一带一路”奖学金资助来中国深造学习,拟于2020年6月毕业。在校读书期间他积极学习了解中国文化,语言及历史,并与学院师生结下了深厚友谊。Adil Abbas Kareem非常热爱中国,为了让家人一同来认识中国、感受中国,他甚至把妻女接来成都一同生活了半年。根据Adil Abbas Kareem本人意愿,捐赠的医用口罩有500只用于学院,300只用于环境系。

随着医用口罩一起寄回的,还有Adil Abbas Kareem饱含深情的亲笔信。

China, the place of peace in the world, deserves all the best(中国是世界和平之地,值得最好的保护)

China is a great country and Chinese people are very friendly and cooperative,Chinese Nation also have great ethics. My family and I love China and this love has been increasing since I came to complete a PhD study in Sichuan University in the past a few years. My professor (prof. Jinyan Yang) and all Chinese brothers and sisters have a great impact on myself and my family. My family enjoyed the beautiful days and spent the most wonderful times in this great country with my professor and with all. Everything in China is great and until now my daughters still remember the beautiful time that we lived in Chengdu/China.(中国是一个伟大的国家,中国人民具有友善的品格、合作的精神和优良的道德操守。多年以来,我和家人都十分热爱中国这个国家,而当我来到四川大学攻读博士学位时,这份爱就更有增益了。我的导师杨金燕教授和所有中国的兄弟姐妹们对我自己和我的家人都产生了很大影响。我的家庭最美好的时光,是在这个伟大的国家里,与我的教授和所有朋友一起度过的。中国的一切都是那么好,直到现在,我的女儿们仍难忘我们在中国成都生活过的那段美好的时光。)

My name is Adil Abbas Kareem, from Iraq, I live in Karbala city, I am married and have four daughters.(我叫Adil Abbas Kareem,来自伊拉克,住在卡尔巴拉,已组建家庭,是四个女儿的父亲。)

About what I did that was my duty towards of all. My father encouraged me to do this work and he suggested that I go to the capital Baghdad, where is approximately 120 km from my city for two reasons. The first is to get an appropriate amount of good quality of the masks and the second reason the shipment is faster to (China) from the capital (Baghdad) because time is very important in the matter.(我所做之事是出于我的责任。父亲鼓励我做这件事,他建议我去首都巴格达,距我所在的城市约120公里,其原因有两个,第一个是获得足够数量的优质口罩,第二个原因是货物从首都巴格达到中国的运抵速度更快。因为在这时候,时间非常重要。)

I said earlier that the all peoples of the world should support China in this adversity by anything, for a simple reason that China deserves it. I am sure we will overcome this problem soon. China is in our hearts. I wish for everyone health and wellness. Thanks for overseas student office for the efforts to make everything easy for International students all of time.(我刚才说过,非常简单的道理,世界各国人民也应当以任何方式支持在这一逆境中的中国,因为她值得。我相信我们将很快克服困境,中国一直在我们心中。祝大家身体健康。感谢留学生办公室一直以来为外国学生在华顺利完成学业而付出的各种努力。)

With all my respects(致敬)

Adil Abbas Kareem/ Karbala- Iraq

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