名: 毛江鸿

博士学位: 结构工程

  称: 研究员/博士生导师

联系电话: 13757485317

电子邮箱: jhmao@scu.edu.cn

通讯地址: 四川大学江安校区88038威尼斯C207办公室

  编: 610041




2021 – 至今,88038威尼斯土木工程系     研究员/博导

2012 – 2021,浙江大学宁波理工学院土木工程系      教授

2010 – 2011,Queen’s University of Belfast      学术访问

2007 – 2012,浙江大学                     结构工程  博士

2003 – 2007,四川大学                     土木工程  学士









[1] 基于超压补偿的高原低气压环境混凝土质量提升技术研究,国家级,2022年

[2] 高原环境成型混凝土基本力学性能和耐久性试验研究,省级,2022年

[3] 高寒地区带孔洞混凝土冻裂性能的快速评估与防治措施研究,省级,2023年


[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:高原涉水桥墩冻融-冲磨共同作用下压弯性能退化机理,2024-2027

[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:电化学修复氢致钢筋混凝土结构延性退化机理与控制,2019-2022

[3] 国家自然科学基金重点项目:混凝土结构全寿命周期耐久性能提升与控制的基础理论研究,2017-2021

[4] 国家自然科学基金青年项目:氯离子非均匀电迁移下钢筋混凝土耐久性劣化的时空分布特征研究,2015-2017

[5] 四川省高层次人才支持计划:高原混凝土结构耐久性劣化机理与控制技术研究,2022-2027

[6] 四川省科技援藏创新项目:面向全寿命的高原装配式建筑的低碳建造与维养关键技术,2022-2023

[7] 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金:高原服役环境下混凝土及其构件基本性能,2021-2024

[8] 浙江省自然基金项目:钢筋混凝土电化学修复过程析氢反应对疲劳性能的影响与控制研究,2018-2020

[9] 浙江省自然基金项目:疲劳和氯盐耦合作用下钢筋混凝土力学损伤演化,2014-2016

[10] 企业技术服务项目:四川某净水厂项目混凝土防渗漏关键技术研究服务,2022-2023


[1] Zeng Y., Mao J.*, Ren J., Zhang L., Fang K., Yue Z., Luo L., Li L. Improvement on durability of concrete by early age continuous loading treatment. Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 418: 135392

[2] Mi L., Mao J.*, Li L., Shi Q., Fang K., Li S., Deng X., L G. Microstructural damage and durability of plateau concrete: Insights into freeze-thaw resistance and improvement strategies. Structures, 2024, 60: 105888

[3] Mao J., Chen C., Xu J., Shi Q., Fang K., Lou Y., Ren J. A solution of sea sand as a sustainable fine aggregate: control harmful chloride ion by electric field force. Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 2024,9:39

[4] Yang Z., Mao J.*, Li B., Li L., Qian W., Li H., Ren J. Early strength development of mortar with calcium formate addition curing by electric field in cold region. Magazine of Concrete Research. 2023. 00042

[5] Mao J., Zhang Y., Quan S., Gao X., Jin W. Creep Characterization of Concrete Suffering Initial Damage. ASCE-Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2023, 35(6):04023110

[6] Mao J., Jia H., Wu K., Wang Q., Li S., Qian W., Xiong F. A novel method to prevent frost cracking of perforated concrete components in cold regions. Cold Regions Science and Technology. 2023.103848

[7] Mao J., Deng R., Wang Q., Wang P., Shi Q., He J., Jin L. Chloride ion control of under-constructing concrete structure based on ECE with different electric field intensities, Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 369: 130516

[8] Mao, J., Liu, Y., Xu, J., Wang, Q., Lou, Y., Desorption behavior and mechanism of chloride ions in fresh concrete mixtures under electromigration, Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 362: 129680

[9] Ren J., Li H., Zhang J., Yan S., Zhu H., Xu S., Shi S., Mao J*. Effect of salinity and polycarboxylate superplasticizer on fresh property of seawater-blended cement, Polymers, 2023, (15)3: 15030541

[10] Fan, W., Mao, J.*, Jin, W., Zhang, J., Li, Q., Yuan, F., Repair effect of cracked reinforced concrete based on electrochemical rehabilitation technology, Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, 61: 105211

[11] Fang, K., Mao, J.*, Wang P., He J., Jin L., Durability control of sea-sand concrete components utilizing strong electric field during early curing period, Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 344: 128221

[12] Mao, J., Xu, J., Zhang, J., Wu, K., He, J., Fan W., Recycling methodology of chloride-attacked concrete based on electrochemical treatment, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 340: 130822

[13] Zhang, Y., Mao, J.*, Jin W., Zhang J., Creep model of high-performance concrete at different loading ages, Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 357: 129379

[14] Fan, W., Mao, J.*, Jin, W., Zhang, J., Zhong, X. Study on the durability improvement of cracked concrete based on bidirectional electromigration rehabilitation. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 278(22), 122453

[15] Zhang, K., Zhang, J., Jin, W., Mao, J.*, Xu, F. A novel method for characterizing the fatigue crack propagation of steel via the weak magnetic effect. International Journal of Fatigue, 2021, 146(1), 106166

[16] Zhang, K., Zhang, J., Jin, W., Mao, J.*, Xu, Y., Li, Q. Characterization of fatigue crack propagation of pitting-corroded rebars using weak magnetic signals. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2021,1-22

[17] Fang Y, Mao J.*, Zhang Y, Jin W., Zhang J. Calculation of Deflection and Stress of Assembled Concrete Composite Beams under Shrinkage and Creep and Its Application in Member Design Optimization[J]. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2021, 25(4): 3458-3476

[18] Fan W., Mao, J.*, Jin W., Zhang J., Zhong X. Study on the durability improvement of cracked concrete based on bidirectional electromigration rehabilitation. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 278: 122453

[19] Zhang K., Zhang J., Jin W., Mao J.*, Long J. Stiffness degradation for fatigue of reinforced concrete beams after electrochemical rehabilitation. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 260:120455

[20] Fan W., Mao J.*, Jin W., Xia J., Zhang J., Li Q. Repair effect of bidirectional electromigration rehabilitation on concrete structures at different durability deterioration stages. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 251:118872


[1] 混凝土拌合物或海砂中氯离子浓度检测方法. ZL 202110307089.6, 2024

[2] 用于监测混凝土结构表面裂缝宽度的无人机. 201710544438.X, 2024

[3] 利用无人机监测混凝土结构表面裂缝宽度的方法. ZL 201710544437.5, 2023

[4] 混凝土块的贯穿式裂缝制造设备及制造方法. ZL201811219667.5,2023

[5] 混凝土应力应变检测装置的安装结构和安装方法. ZL 201810347907.3, 2023

[6] 利用铁磁性材料的弱磁信号预测疲劳寿命的方法. 201911271662.1,2022

[7] 混凝土裂缝修复效果的检验装置和方法. ZL201810111670.9,2021

[8] 一种自浓缩阳离子的海洋结构潮汐区裂缝电沉积修复系统,ZL 201911247291.3, 2021

[9] 混凝土桥梁的裂缝形态的测量装置和直角坐标系测量方法. ZL 201910524330.3,2021

[10] 钢筋混凝土桥梁的裂缝形态的测量装置和测量方法. ZL 201910524350.0, 2021

[11] 大尺寸混凝土块的贯穿式裂缝的制造方法. ZL201811219674.5, 2020

[12] 对钢筋混凝土结构均匀性电迁除氯的方法. ZL 201710005769.6, 2019

[13] 一种提升电化学修复混凝土效率的装置及方法. ZL 201611199386.9, 2019

[14] 对钢筋混凝土结构电迁除氯时抑制氢脆的方法. ZL 201710005776.6, 2019

[15] 沿海及岛屿地区建筑废弃料的再利用方法. ZL 201610063763.X, 2018





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